Fish Cakes with a Piquant Cucumber Delicacy

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Curried gluten-free fish cakes served with a spicy cucumber salad.
45 min 296 kcal

Kiire valge kala ja chorizo panniroog kuskussiga

Fish and seafood Recipes
Kiire ja maitsev õhtusöök valge kala ja chorizoga, mis on laual vaid 15 minutiga.
15 min 496 kcal

Sweet & Sour Shrimp with Peach Pico de Gallo

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Light snack - sweet and sour shrimp with peach pico de gallo.
40 min 507 kcal

Tuna Baquette with Fresh Cucumber and Bell Pepper

Fish and seafood Recipes
Need maitsvad, südamlikud ja suured võileivad aitavad teid õhtusöögil, kui kõik on näljased ja tahavad kiiret hammustust. Väga toitev amps ka loodusesse kaasa võtmiseks.
15 min 598 kcal

Salad Nicoise with Baked Potatoes & Tuna

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
600 and less kcal per portion. The French n_içoise _salad contains tuna, green beans, boiled eggs, tomatoes and potatoes and is nutritious enough to be a main course. For a perfect summer dish serve it with your favourite dry white wine.
30 min 442 kcal

Rice Bowl with Spicy Shrimps & Radish-Cucumber Salad

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Rice bowl with shrimps in spicy mayo sauce and pickled cucumber-radish salad.
20 min 851 kcal

Spicy Pan Dish with White Fish, Rice & Pesto

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
A simple and light pan dish with white fish, rice and red pesto. NB! This recipe can be prepared without spiciness.
30 min 455 kcal

Creamy Fish & Potato Casserole

Family friendly Fish and seafood Recipes
Fish and potato dish in a creamy sauce with a golden layer of cheese.
60 min 865 kcal

Tomato Seafood Soup with Brown Rice

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Tomato spicy seafood soup with celery, chili and served with brown rice.
35 min 353 kcal

Spice Sprat Salad with Eggs, Potato & Salted Cucumber

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Vürtsikilu on eestlaste au ja uhkus, mida pakume külalistele ja sööme ka ise hea meelega. Puhas klassika.
35 min 692 kcal

Warm Buckwheat Salad with Cabbage, Smoked Salmon & Dill Vinaigrette

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
600 and less kcal per portion. Low-calorie warm buckwheat salad with cabbage, smoked salmon and dill vinaigrette. Gluten-free and lactose-free!
30 min 383 kcal

Delicious Fish Burger with Caper-Onion Sauce

Fish and seafood Recipes
Delicious fish burger with caper and green onion sauce and tomato-salad mixture.
20 min 787 kcal

Paella Style Rice with Surimi

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
This easy-to-make rice dish is inspired by Spanish paella with surimi, bell pepper, turmeric and tomato.
50 min 342 kcal

10 Minute Tuna-Avocado Wrap

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Kiirelt ja lihtsalt valmivad vrapid tuunikala ja avokaadoga. Mugav järgmisel päeval lõunaks kaasa haarata!
10 min 680 kcal

Classic Blini with Smoked Salmon, Red Onion & Sour Cream

Fish and seafood Recipes
Klassikalised pliinid suitsulõhe, punase sibula ja hapukoorega. Valmista hommikusöögiks või eelroaks.
30 min 967 kcal

Baked Potatoes with Cottage Cheese & Crab Sticks Filling

Fish and seafood Recipes
Ahjukartulid maitsva kodujuustutäidisega. Madala kalorsusega kosutav õhtusöök, mille ettevalmistamine võtab vaid mõned minutid.
40 min 711 kcal

Suvine salat röstitud tiigerkrevettidega

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Vürtsikas suvine salat röstitud krevettide ja kerge salatiga. Kui ei armasta vürtsikaid toite, võid tšilli toidu seest välja jätta!
25 min 356 kcal

Creamy Red Fish & Leek Casserole

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Gluten-free casserole with cold smoked salmon, leek, potato and golden cheese layer.
60 min 744 kcal

Vietnamese Hot Dogs with Breaded White Fish & Cabbage Salad

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Vietnamese-inspired hot dogs with breaded white fish and spicy cabbage salad.
15 min 939 kcal

Italian White Fish Stew with Crispy Ciabatta

Fish and seafood Recipes
Kiire ja maitsev hautis valge kala ja ciabattaga, mis on laual vaid 20 minutiga.
20 min 380 kcal

Lemon Potato Casserole with Pike Perch

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Lemon potato casserole with white fish, cream cheese and a golden layer of cheese. It's also gluten free!
45 min 839 kcal

Parmesan Crusted White Fish with Baked Potatoes and Carrots

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Hõrk õhtusöök valge kala, ahjukartulite ja ahjuporganditega, mis valmib vaid poole tunniga ja on muuhulgas ka laktoosivaba.
30 min 505 kcal

Spicy Fish Curry with Rice

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
600 and less kcal per portion. Spicy fish curry with chilli, ginger and garlic and served with rice. A low-calorie dish that is also gluten and lactose free!
35 min 638 kcal

Lemon Potato Casserole with White Fish

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Lemon potato casserole with white fish, cream cheese and a golden layer of cheese. It's also gluten free!
45 min 822 kcal

Pan Fried Trout with Roasted Broccoli and Chili-Soy Sauce

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Kiire ja maitsev õhtusöök forelli ja röstitud brokoliga, mis on laual vaid 15 minutiga.
15 min 457 kcal

Pike Perch Fillet with Mashed Potatoes & Butter-Caper Sauce

Family friendly Fish and seafood Recipes
Breaded, butter-fried white fish served with a little more colorful mashed potatoes.
30 min 497 kcal

Mexican White Fish with Black Beans & Guacamole

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Mexican dish with white fish, corn and pea mix, guacamole and iceberg lettuce. A light lactose-free and gluten-free meal!
30 min 519 kcal

Shrimp Satay with Rice

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Quick and spicy shrimp satay in peanut sauce, served with rice. You can control the spiciness yourself!
30 min 829 kcal

Pesto pasta with salmon and cherry tomatoes

Fish and seafood NEW Recipes
Deliciously easy to cook.
30 min 991 kcal

Quick Salad with Chickpeas & Tuna

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Salad with chickpeas, tuna, fresh cucumber and pickled bell peppers is ready in just 15 minutes! Also lactose-free and gluten-free.
15 min 344 kcal

Potato Casserole with Pike Perch

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
A simple potato casserole with white fish, parmesan and a layer of mashed potatoes.
80 min 423 kcal

Casserole with White Fish, Rice & Pesto

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
600 or less kcal per portion. A pan dish with white fish, rice and pesto that is easily prepared for a busy weekday.
30 min 516 kcal

Bali Boemboe with White Fish

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Balinese boemboe or bumbu is a fish sauce made from various spices and served with rice.
30 min 381 kcal

Kedgeree - Curry Rice with Egg & Tuna

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
A kedgeree with Indian roots, heavily adapted by the British, developing an almost unrecognizable dish from the original khichari. This here is the British version. The meal is lactose-free and gluten-free and is prepared with little effort.
30 min 682 kcal

Potato Casserole with White Fish

Family friendly Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
A simple potato casserole with white fish, parmesan and a layer of mashed potatoes.
80 min 417 kcal

Watermelon Salad with Shrimp & Avocado

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Mahlaselt mahe suvine arbuusisalat krevettide ja avokaadoga. Kas teadsid, et arbuus koosneb 91% veest ja avokaado 73%? Lisaks sisaldab avokaado tervislikke rasvu, vitamiine ja mineraale.
30 min 453 kcal

Hot Dog with Crab Salad & Mung Bean Sprouts

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
A refreshing crab salad between an apple and celery hot dog bun. You can control the spiciness with sriracha mayonnaise.A refreshing crab salad between an apple and celery hot dog bun. You can control the spiciness with sriracha mayonnaise.
20 min 706 kcal

White Pike Perch Rolls with Potato-Dill Mash & Citrusy sour cream sauce

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
White fish rolls with potato-dill puree and lemon sour cream. The filling of the roll has plenty of delicious parmesan and the puree is creamy.
30 min 650 kcal

Potato-Herring Salad with Vinaigrette Dressing

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Tõeliselt eestilik kartuli-heeringasalat marineeritud sibula ja vinegrett kastmega. Kerge ja kiire! Sobib nii peolauale kui ka lõuna- või õhtusöögiks.
25 min 348 kcal

Ukrainian Fish Balls in Tomato Sauce with Rice

Family friendly Fish and seafood Recipes
Ukrainian fish balls in creamy tomato sauce and served with rice.
50 min 663 kcal

Shrimps in Smoky Tomato Sauce with Rice

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
A simple and quick meal for a busy weekday - shrimp served in a smoky tomato sauce with rice. NB! This recipe can be prepared without spiciness.
30 min 453 kcal

Salmon Ceviche with Toasted Baguette

Fish and seafood Recipes
Ceviche is a South American fish dish that typically consists of fresh raw fish marinated in lime or lemon juice. Serve ceviche as an appetizer or main course.
45 min 447 kcal

Crispy Pike Petch with Potato Slices & Tomato Cream Cheese Sauce

Family friendly Fish and seafood Recipes
One-pan dish with potato and crispy fish fillet in tomato cream cheese sauce.
55 min 593 kcal

Quick White Fish Stew with Tomato Sauce and Potatoes

Fish and seafood Gluten free Lactose-Free Recipes
Kiiresse argipäeva kerge vaevaga valmiv tomatine hautis valge kala ja noore kartuliga. See retsept on ka laktoosi- ja gluteenivaba.
25 min 337 kcal

Salmon Rod in Lemon & Soy Marinade with Summery Salad

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Mahlane kalavarras sidruni-sojamarinaadis ja suvise tsitruselise salatiga. Kala võid küpsetada nii ahjus kui ka grillil.
40 min 546 kcal

Fish Burger with Marinated Onion & Avocado

Fish and seafood NEW Recipes
Want to find a healthier alternative to hamburger? A fish burger is the right choice for that. A steak made of minced salmon meat is truly tongue-in-cheek.
35 min 927 kcal

Kreveti-seene stir-fry riisiga

Fish and seafood Recipes
20 minutiga valmiv stir fry krevettide ja seentega on mõnus soe õhtusöök, mis sobib nii kiire tööpäeva lõppu kui ka nädalavahetusel nautimiseks.
20 min 464 kcal

Swedish Jansson's Temptation

Family friendly Fish and seafood Recipes
Jansson's Temptation is a traditional Swedish casserole made with potatoes, onions, sprats, breadcrumbs and cream. It is usually found on the Swedish Christmas table and on the Easter menu.
55 min 576 kcal

Baked Potato Halves with Herring & Sour Cream Sauce

Fish and seafood Gluten free Recipes
Potato halves with herring-cream cheese filling served with sour cream and pickled cucumber sauce.
85 min 928 kcal

Sushi Bowl

Fish and seafood Lactose-Free Recipes
Sushi bowl sobib ideaalselt kiireks lõunaks, valmistamisele kulub täpselt nii palju aega kui kulub riisi keetmisele ja selle jahutamisele.
25 min 441 kcal