Moussaka is an eggplant or potato-based dish and often includes minced meat, common in the Balkans and the Middle East, with many local and regional variations. The best-known version in Europe and America is the Greek version created by Nikolaos Tselementes in the 1920s.
75 min994 kcal
Moussaka is an eggplant or potato-based dish and often includes minced meat, common in the Balkans and the Middle East, with many local and regional variations. The best-known version in Europe and America is the Greek version created by Nikolaos Tselementes in the 1920s.
Vöner ehk nisuliha ehk nisukebab ehk vegankebab, heal lapsel mitu nime. Vöner on nisuvalgust valmistatud 100% taimne toode, mis sobib nii taimetoitlastele kui lihatoiduga harjunutele, kes soovivad liha osakaalu oma menüüs vähendada. Vönerit saab traditsioonilistes roogades kasutada liha alternatiivina, kuna Vöneril on lihasarnane maitse ja tekstuur.
60 min1135 kcal
Vöner ehk nisuliha ehk nisukebab ehk vegankebab, heal lapsel mitu nime. Vöner on nisuvalgust valmistatud 100% taimne toode, mis sobib nii taimetoitlastele kui lihatoiduga harjunutele, kes soovivad liha osakaalu oma menüüs vähendada. Vönerit saab traditsioonilistes roogades kasutada liha alternatiivina, kuna Vöneril on lihasarnane maitse ja tekstuur.
A rice noodle dish with minced beef, champignons and green onions that can be prepared in 15 minutes. A simple meal for a person with a busy lifestyle.
15 min769 kcal
A rice noodle dish with minced beef, champignons and green onions that can be prepared in 15 minutes. A simple meal for a person with a busy lifestyle.
Spicy risotto with smoked salmon and asparagus. Salmon is a high-fat fish and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Asparagus is low in calories and an excellent source of nutrients, including fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K.
35 min483 kcal
Spicy risotto with smoked salmon and asparagus. Salmon is a high-fat fish and a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. Asparagus is low in calories and an excellent source of nutrients, including fiber, folate, and vitamins A, C, and K.
_Soupe à l'oignon_ - the onion gives the soup a really delicious and rich taste. Peeling and slicing the onions is the hardest part of this soup, after which you just have to take care of the onions while they are boiling
30 min590 kcal
_Soupe à l'oignon_ - the onion gives the soup a really delicious and rich taste. Peeling and slicing the onions is the hardest part of this soup, after which you just have to take care of the onions while they are boiling
Invented in the 1950s, chicken nuggets have become a very popular item in fast food restaurants and are also widely sold frozen for home use. It is best to prepare them yourself at home and eat them fresh.
25 min564 kcal
Invented in the 1950s, chicken nuggets have become a very popular item in fast food restaurants and are also widely sold frozen for home use. It is best to prepare them yourself at home and eat them fresh.
600 or less kcal per portion. _Parmigiana_, also called _parmigiana di melanzane, melanzane alla parmigiana_, or eggplant parmesan, is an Italian dish made from fried, sliced eggplant covered with cheese and tomato sauce and then baked. The origin of the dish is claimed by the southern regions of Calabria, Campania and Sicily.
70 min549 kcal
600 or less kcal per portion. _Parmigiana_, also called _parmigiana di melanzane, melanzane alla parmigiana_, or eggplant parmesan, is an Italian dish made from fried, sliced eggplant covered with cheese and tomato sauce and then baked. The origin of the dish is claimed by the southern regions of Calabria, Campania and Sicily.
Lassi on indapärane jogurtijook. Siinkohal lihtne mangolassi retsept, mille kasutamisel on vaja mangopüreed. Sobib nii joogiks kui ka kergeks hommiku- või vahepalaks.
10 min388 kcal
Lassi on indapärane jogurtijook. Siinkohal lihtne mangolassi retsept, mille kasutamisel on vaja mangopüreed. Sobib nii joogiks kui ka kergeks hommiku- või vahepalaks.
Light and tomatoey vegetable stew with fried cheese. With chili flakes, you can adjust the spiciness, and if you leave it out completely, it's also suitable for the smallest of the family. Sugar snap peas add various beneficial vitamins and minerals to the meal, such as vitamin C, iron and potassium.
45 min707 kcal
Light and tomatoey vegetable stew with fried cheese. With chili flakes, you can adjust the spiciness, and if you leave it out completely, it's also suitable for the smallest of the family. Sugar snap peas add various beneficial vitamins and minerals to the meal, such as vitamin C, iron and potassium.
Delicious hot dogs with raw sausages, carrot salad, spinach and roasted onions. Serve the remaining salad and spinach on the side for a healthier side dish.
30 min1355 kcal
Delicious hot dogs with raw sausages, carrot salad, spinach and roasted onions. Serve the remaining salad and spinach on the side for a healthier side dish.
Mushrooms from Asia have been added to the miso soup, which has a strong slightly crunchy texture and a mild nutty flavor.
PS Remove the mossy bottom of the mushroom cluster and separate the mushrooms in pairs. Do not remove the mushroom legs!
20 min351 kcal
Mushrooms from Asia have been added to the miso soup, which has a strong slightly crunchy texture and a mild nutty flavor.
PS Remove the mossy bottom of the mushroom cluster and separate the mushrooms in pairs. Do not remove the mushroom legs!