Mehhiko maiseaineseguga maitsestatud praetud ja tambitud kidney oad teevad sellest vegan burrito kausist tõeliselt täitva toidu. Ahjus röstitud lillkapsas on kirsiks tordil.
40 min575 kcal
Mehhiko maiseaineseguga maitsestatud praetud ja tambitud kidney oad teevad sellest vegan burrito kausist tõeliselt täitva toidu. Ahjus röstitud lillkapsas on kirsiks tordil.
600 and less kcal per portion. Caribbean sweet potato curry with bell pepper, cashews and spinach served with rice. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top to give it a tropical flavor.
25 min549 kcal
600 and less kcal per portion. Caribbean sweet potato curry with bell pepper, cashews and spinach served with rice. Sprinkle coconut flakes on top to give it a tropical flavor.
Klassikaline kodune roog taimses versioonis. Antud retseptis kasutame kodumaist taimsetest valkudest tehtud lihaalternatiivi. Thormi pihvi põhikoostiseks on herne- ja kaeravalgu segu, mis on praktiliselt identne loomse lihaga.
35 min556 kcal
Klassikaline kodune roog taimses versioonis. Antud retseptis kasutame kodumaist taimsetest valkudest tehtud lihaalternatiivi. Thormi pihvi põhikoostiseks on herne- ja kaeravalgu segu, mis on praktiliselt identne loomse lihaga.
The secret of the vibrant color of beetroot orzotto is beet juice! We are using it here instead of broth. In addition, sweet roasted beets and mozzarella. Pleasantly nutritious everyday dinner.
40 min641 kcal
The secret of the vibrant color of beetroot orzotto is beet juice! We are using it here instead of broth. In addition, sweet roasted beets and mozzarella. Pleasantly nutritious everyday dinner.
Baked potatoes served with salade niçoise. Salade niçoise is a French salad with tuna, green beans, boiled eggs, tomatoes and potatoes that is a nutritious enough main course. The meal is lactose-free and gluten-free!
55 min442 kcal
Baked potatoes served with salade niçoise. Salade niçoise is a French salad with tuna, green beans, boiled eggs, tomatoes and potatoes that is a nutritious enough main course. The meal is lactose-free and gluten-free!
This hummus bowl busts the myth that vegetarian food doesn't fill your stomach. Perfect for a quick lunch, because while the vegetables are cooking in the oven and the buckwheat is boiling, you can still send a few emails in the home office.
25 min716 kcal
This hummus bowl busts the myth that vegetarian food doesn't fill your stomach. Perfect for a quick lunch, because while the vegetables are cooking in the oven and the buckwheat is boiling, you can still send a few emails in the home office.
You no longer need to visit an Italian restaurant to enjoy pasta! This creamy pasta with Mati's chicken alternative is ready in just 20 minutes and tastes amazing. The main ingredient in Mati's chicken alternative is mushroom protein, which is grown through fermentation.
20 min644 kcal
You no longer need to visit an Italian restaurant to enjoy pasta! This creamy pasta with Mati's chicken alternative is ready in just 20 minutes and tastes amazing. The main ingredient in Mati's chicken alternative is mushroom protein, which is grown through fermentation.
Pommes boulangère, mida nimetatakse sõna otseses mõttes "pagari kartuliteks," tekkis Prantsusmaal sajandeid tagasi, kui maapiirkondade inimestel ei olnud kodus ahju. Teel kirikusse viisid naised pühapäevase vormiroa pagarile, et see valmiks samal ajal kui pere palvetas. Pärast läksid nad sellele järgi ja viisid koju lõunaks.
65 min651 kcal
Pommes boulangère, mida nimetatakse sõna otseses mõttes "pagari kartuliteks," tekkis Prantsusmaal sajandeid tagasi, kui maapiirkondade inimestel ei olnud kodus ahju. Teel kirikusse viisid naised pühapäevase vormiroa pagarile, et see valmiks samal ajal kui pere palvetas. Pärast läksid nad sellele järgi ja viisid koju lõunaks.
Lisa oma nädalasse veidike magusanaudingut ja proovi magusanaudingu kasti: Ühes kastis on kooslus kahest retseptist ning kastisisu vahetub 2 korda kuus.
24.03-12.04 on valikus:
- klassikalised pulgakoogid
- jogurti-maapähklivõi magustoit šokolaadiglasuuriga
Magusakogusest jätkub kuni neljale sööjale.
100 min1764 kcal
Lisa oma nädalasse veidike magusanaudingut ja proovi magusanaudingu kasti: Ühes kastis on kooslus kahest retseptist ning kastisisu vahetub 2 korda kuus.
24.03-12.04 on valikus:
- klassikalised pulgakoogid
- jogurti-maapähklivõi magustoit šokolaadiglasuuriga
Magusakogusest jätkub kuni neljale sööjale.
Miks mitte vahelduseks tavalisele pudrule valmistada hommikusöögiks hoopiski pudingut. Antud retsepti järgi on tulemuseks väga õhuline puding. Sobib ka suurepäraselt magustoiduks serveerituna.
35 min784 kcal
Miks mitte vahelduseks tavalisele pudrule valmistada hommikusöögiks hoopiski pudingut. Antud retsepti järgi on tulemuseks väga õhuline puding. Sobib ka suurepäraselt magustoiduks serveerituna.
600 and less kcal per portion. Gluten-free creamy chicken cutlet with beans, champignons and cherry tomatoes. Already a nutritious meal, the beans provide plenty of different vitamins and minerals.
40 min506 kcal
600 and less kcal per portion. Gluten-free creamy chicken cutlet with beans, champignons and cherry tomatoes. Already a nutritious meal, the beans provide plenty of different vitamins and minerals.
Crispy pizza baguette with plenty of sauce, chorizo, black olives, jalapeno, sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella.
NB! This recipe can be prepared without spiciness.
15 min757 kcal
Crispy pizza baguette with plenty of sauce, chorizo, black olives, jalapeno, sun-dried tomatoes and mozzarella.
NB! This recipe can be prepared without spiciness.
Hot dog sausages served with herbal rice and adjika sauce. When mixed with sour cream, adjika dilutes the spiciness and gives a nice addition to the dish.
30 min897 kcal
Hot dog sausages served with herbal rice and adjika sauce. When mixed with sour cream, adjika dilutes the spiciness and gives a nice addition to the dish.
600 and less kcal per portion. Rich veggie soup with carrot, bell pepper, fresh chili and goat cheese. Low-calorie and gluten-free soup to warm you up on cooler nights.
35 min272 kcal
600 and less kcal per portion. Rich veggie soup with carrot, bell pepper, fresh chili and goat cheese. Low-calorie and gluten-free soup to warm you up on cooler nights.
"Pil pil" is a word used in Spanish and Basque cuisine to describe a sauce made from garlic and chili roasted in hot olive oil. This recipe is spice-free, but still very tasty!
15 min424 kcal
"Pil pil" is a word used in Spanish and Basque cuisine to describe a sauce made from garlic and chili roasted in hot olive oil. This recipe is spice-free, but still very tasty!
Klassikaline kodune roog taimses versioonis. Antud retseptis kasutame kodumaist taimsetest valkudest tehtud lihaalternatiivi. Thormi pihvi põhikoostiseks on herne- ja kaeravalgu segu, mis on praktiliselt identne loomse lihaga.
30 min752 kcal
Klassikaline kodune roog taimses versioonis. Antud retseptis kasutame kodumaist taimsetest valkudest tehtud lihaalternatiivi. Thormi pihvi põhikoostiseks on herne- ja kaeravalgu segu, mis on praktiliselt identne loomse lihaga.
Curry fried rice in kvass marinated chicken and roasted onions.
NB! Allow at least 1 hour for marinating the meat, you'll get an even better taste if you marinate overnight.
75 min682 kcal
Curry fried rice in kvass marinated chicken and roasted onions.
NB! Allow at least 1 hour for marinating the meat, you'll get an even better taste if you marinate overnight.
In this recipe, we use a domestic meat alternative made from vegetable proteins. The main ingredient of Thorm steak is a mixture of pea and oat protein, which is practically identical to animal meat.
25 min683 kcal
In this recipe, we use a domestic meat alternative made from vegetable proteins. The main ingredient of Thorm steak is a mixture of pea and oat protein, which is practically identical to animal meat.